Featured Elementary School Artwork

Featured Elementary School Artwork

Featured Early Elementary Student Artwork Tumbleweeds Magazine partnered with Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) to share children and teen artwork. SFPS has a dedicated Arts Education Department that offers a comprehensive, culturally responsive, standards-based program...
Featured Middle School Artwork

Featured Middle School Artwork

Tumbleweeds Magazine partnered with Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) to share children and teen artwork. SFPS has a dedicated Arts Education Department that offers a comprehensive, culturally responsive, standards-based program of art education to K-12 students.  The...
Featured High School Artwork

Featured High School Artwork

Tumbleweeds Magazine partnered with Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) to share children and teen artwork. SFPS has a dedicated Arts Education Department that offers a comprehensive, culturally responsive, standards-based program of art education to K-12 students.  The...
Featured Middle School Student Artwork

Featured Middle School Student Artwork

Featured Middle School Student Artwork Tumbleweeds Magazine partnered with Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) to share children and teen artwork. SFPS has a dedicated Arts Education Department that offers a comprehensive, culturally responsive, standards-based program of...