Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico Surrounding Kids With a Community of Support By Blanca Ortiz As a Communities In Schools (CIS) site coordinator at Nava Elementary School, I am proud to do “whatever it takes” to empower children to stay in school and achieve in...
Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Voces de la familia

Rodeando a los niños con una comunidad de apoyo Communities In Schools of New Mexico ofrece ayuda a estudiantes y sus familias By Blanca Ortiz Como una de las coordinadoras del programa Communities In Schools (CIS, por sus siglas en inglés) en la escuela primaria...
A Desk of Their Own

A Desk of Their Own

In the summer of 2020, during what we thought was the height of the pandemic, my wife, Sonya, and I were acutely aware of the issues facing young learners at home as another remote school year was set to begin. Sonya was an associate principal at Capital High School,...
Teaching Through the Pandemic

Teaching Through the Pandemic

Teaching Through the Pandemic Pandemic costs students in project-based and interactive learning   By T. J. Bonzon Let’s remember. What did school look like before the COVID pandemic lockdown? No sterilizing. No six feet distancing. Handshakes, high fives and hugs...
Masked Motherhood

Masked Motherhood

Masked Motherhood On the exceptional challenges of ‘pandemic parenting’ By Liz Elmquist Lately, I have been reflecting on what it means to be a “pandemic parent,” a phrase I was resistant to using until recently. Every day, my lived experience of pandemic...