Chris Lawrence Recognized as the Elementary Art Educator of the Year

Chris Lawrence Recognized as the Elementary Art Educator of the Year

The New Mexico Art Education Association awarded Chris Lawrence of Santa Fe as the Elementary Art Educator of the Year. He was formally recognized with the honor at the Association’s October conference. The Association’s professional award program is a way for art educators to recognize their colleagues’ achievements in the classroom and within the art education community.

As an art teacher at Chaparral and Piñon Elementary Schools, Chris has over 15 years of experience teaching art to K-12 students.  Chris holds a masters degree in art education and is a national board certified art teacher, which is the most respected professional certification available in education. He taught high school and adult classes at the Museum of Art in Las Cruces before moving to Santa Fe in 2013. He is currently in his tenth year of teaching for SFPS.

While Chris specializes in ceramic art, he is also an outdoor enthusiast and river advocate who enjoys traveling, canoeing, skiing, biking, camping, and spending time with his wife of 28 years, Andrea, and his dog, Lyra.

Congratulations Chris and thank you for sharing the joy of art with our kiddos!