Eleven students from SFPS’ Mandela International Magnet School have earned prestigious international baccalaureate diplomas, demonstrating strong academic performance in six areas – Language & Literature, Language Acquisition, History, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts.
The recipients are Lily Alexander, Sofia Beals, Vitanie Berger, Shloka Bhakta, Jasmine Buenviaje, Francisco Diaz, Finn Ellis, Ethan Garcia, Tatum Holladay, Alexis Prieto, and Jillian Tompson.
In order to qualify for the diploma, the students wrote a 4,000-word independent research paper, completed a Theory of Knowledge exhibition and paper, and demonstrated a focus on creativity, activity, and service.
Learn more about international baccalaureate diplomas at ibo.org.
Visit Mandela International Magnet School at mims.sfps.info for more information.