How old are you in this photo? How old are you now?
I was 11 in this photo, I am 19 right now.
What school do you attend?
I attend New Mexico State University.
Do you remember how you felt when you had this photo taken?
We had just completed a dance when these photos were taken. I remember being excited that we were able to showcase our traditional dances to people from all over the world.
What do you like most about yourself right now?
I like that I am able to adapt to change easily. I am an indigenous independent woman. I moved away from home, I go to school and work full time.
What do you think will be different about the world when you are an adult?
As a young adult now, responsibilities and priorities are very important as they are the key to anyone’s success.
What is your favorite part of Indian Market?
Definitely the food and stopping mid walk just to watch the dance groups as well as meeting people from other tribes.
What does celebrating 100 years of Indian Market mean to you?
It’s a 100 years of traditional art that is still in effect. It shows that us Native Americans are still here and will continue to be here.