“Blue Birds” by Stellabelle Anaya

Student Artist Q & A

Stellabelle Anaya, age 6, and attends The Jade Dragonfly School

What title would you give this picture?

Blue Birds: because the eggs are blue

 What materials did you use to make your art piece?

Acrylic paint and pallet knife

 What do you like most about doing art?

I don’t know exactly. But, I get to show my daddy what I make every time he comes home and he says “wow”.

What would you like other Tumbleweeds kids to know about you?

I like painting and drawing and puppies and kitties.

Call for student artists!

We love to share kids’ art with our readers!  Tell us a little about you and why you like to do art. Tumbleweeds Magazine may feature your artwork on social media and the quarterly print publication!  

Submit your masterpiece! Click here.